High Gear
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Category: Christian Hard Rock |
Year: 1992 |
Label: Star Song Records |
Catalog Number: SSD 8249 |
Scott Wenzel Vocals
Rex Carroll Guitars
Michael Feighan Drums
Scott Harper Bass
1. | High Gear | |
2. | Dancin' In Heaven | |
3. | In America | |
4. | Overdrive | |
5. | Without Your Love | |
6. | Coming Home | |
7. | My Love | |
8. | I'm Askin You Today | |
9. | Gonna Keep On | |
10. | I Shout | |
11. | Long Road To Walk | |
Existing comments about this CD
From: Scott (---.) |
Date: December 6, 2004 at 8:20 |
The last CD to feature guitar shredder Rex Carroll and the last real Whitecross album in my opinion. Lots of catchy, radio-ready hard rockers on this one. It's a shame the record company pulled Scott Wenzel and Rex Carroll apart. The two men were Whitecross.
From: FOX (---.clvdoh.adelphia.net) |
Date: April 11, 2005 at 21:26 |
High gear was a very very good album. I really like every song on this album ......i wasnt too crazy about 'in america', only because it seems like they were trying to remake in the kingdom. it was ok, but not a fav. this was indeed rex carrols last record with the band. sure was sad to see him go, but loved what he did with King James. on the FOX ROCK SCALE this album is an 8.8, there just arent alot of bands that compare with whitecross now days. i woudl love for them to do a renunion some day
From: illimey (---.195.popsite.net) |
Date: April 13, 2005 at 23:03 |
Errrm, FOX [and all other Whitecross fans]... there's some news for you at http://whitecrossmusic.com!
From: Russ (---.client.mchsi.com) |
Date: September 16, 2005 at 18:02 |
I went to see Whitecross in concert in Moline, Illinois, just after I bought this CD. It was one of their last concerts with Rex Carroll. I'm so glad I didn't miss that one. Rex played 'My Love' with 2 guitars hanging around him, an acoustic and electric. Rock On, Rex! This CD has some of my favorite Whitecross songs: Long Road To Walk.. My Love.. Without Your Love and I'm Askin You Today... But, then again, all of Whitecross CDs has some of my favorite Whitecross songs on them.
From: Cameron Martin (---.ss.shawcable.net) |
Date: May 3, 2006 at 13:11 |
Listen up all Whitecross fans according to www.whitecrossmusic.com Rex and Scott are back together and making a new album!I am hoping for another Hammer and Nail or Triumphant return and it is proposed to be somewhat of a heavier album too.If you are counting it has been now close to or over 14 years since the High Gear album and it is long overdue for a return that MUST BE TRIUMPHANT!The lord bless you all and keep rockin' for the rock...in the name of Jesus Christ the savior!
From: kwpete@srt.com (---.srtnet.com) |
Date: October 14, 2007 at 11:19 |
High Gear was my first album I owned by Whitecross. I was amazed!! This album rocked. Scott's awesome rock vocals. Rex Carroll, what can be said, an awesome guitar player. Eddie Van Halen, eat your heart out. Rex can out play you with one hand tied behind his back!!! This album 10/10.
From: bataa (---.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
Date: January 11, 2008 at 2:19 |
Hey every body i really really like Whitecross, they are top.My first time i heard this cd in 1993, i loved. i'm looking for High Gear album. please send me or copy is fine i'll pay for it. i'm really really love this Band. plz write me back if some one can help me to send at least one song from High Gear albub, i'll be really appriciate you otgoosea@yahoo.com Thank you
From: Mike Calumpang (---.) |
Date: April 29, 2009 at 9:31 |
I really like there songs and its lyrics! awesome that provides encouragement to christian rockers. love you dude!
From: CHRIS (---.201-253-236.telecom.net.ar) |
Date: June 18, 2009 at 22:30 |
Great album and great band!i'm from ARGENTINA.
From: rexreed (---.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) |
Date: September 25, 2009 at 3:45 |
This is a really good rock album. It is definitely better than the last. Dance in Heaven has silly lyrics but man is it a fun rocker. Rex and his guitar riffs return to awesome on this record but he never quite goes metal. 'In America' might as well be 'In the Kindom' with different lyrics. Other than that very creative. Scott sounds fantastic, and this was probably the last real Whitecross album before they parted ways. Yes, they got back together but the magic had passed.
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