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THE Christian Rock and Metal Reference on the Internet!

Bands: 382     CDs: 933     Songs: 10353


Christian AOR, Hard Rock, and Heavy Metal Bands

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Click on an artist's name to bring up their discography page.
Click on a flag icon to see a list of all of the artists here at Heaven's Metal from that country.


canadaWarren HalstromLite AOR
USAHarvestLite AOR
USAHavenPower Metal
swedenHeartcryHard Rock
USAHeavily ArmoredClassic Metal
USABenny HesterAOR
 High VoltageHard Rock

canadaHigher PowerAOR
USAHoly CrossAOR
USAHoly KnightDeath Metal
USAHoly RiotHard Rock
USAHoly SaintClassic Metal
USAHoly SoldierClassic Metal

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