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Setting Fire to the Earth

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Category: CCM Hard Rock
Year: 1987
Label: Royal Music/Solid Rock Import (Sweden)
Catalog Number: SRI CD 027
Rating: 8.89 out of 10. (22 ratings)

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Terry H lead vocals
Ez Gomer bass, backing vocals
Kjell Andersson drums, percussion, backing vocals
Bjorn Stigsson guitar, backing vocals
1.  Flames of Fire  3:23
2.  Saved  4:10
3.  The First and the Last  3:42
4.  I'm a Believer  3:59
5.  Don't Go Out  3:38
6.  Elijah on Carmel  4:53
7.  The Suffering Servant  4:52
8.  Get Up  3:41
9.  Love Is Love  4:02
Total Running Time:  36:20

Existing comments about this CD

From: Silver Fang   (IP unknown) Date: May 30, 2003 at 12:29
Okay, if you can find it this Hard Rock album is absolutely worth it. Classic songs 'Saved' and 'The Suffering Servant' alone are worth it! Well written for the most part, the musicianship is very good. Melodic, harmonious, and it rocks! setbacks include, a bit of a weak mix of the guitar leads, but Bjorn Stigsson's playing keeps it interesting, some of the vocals are unintelligeable which is due to Terry H's Swedish accent than his excellent singing.
From:   (IP unknown) Date: April 14, 2004 at 17:52
If anyone is looking for any Leviticus Albums on CD like 1985 Strongest Power , 1989 Knights of heaven , 1994 Greatest Hits . Let me know I have them and they can be yours ....
From: GroovyLime   (IP unknown) Date: September 3, 2004 at 18:37
My favorite Leviticus album. Ex Gomer just rocks on bass.
From:   (---.) Date: September 3, 2004 at 18:46
Sorry about the typo in my earlier post... that's Ez Gomer. Love that heavy bass! Also, Terry is amazing on vocals. Passion and power.
From: Auslander   (---.) Date: May 7, 2021 at 5:52
For the best of 1987 in Christian Hard Rock I thought about Trytan, Bloodgood or especially Jerusalem. But, instead for me it is the other Swedish group, Leviticus. Flames of Fire is a great anthem to kick off the record. But The Suffering Servant is the standout track. Leviticus do have that Scandinavian sound, but less keyboards than Jerusalem, so they sound harder. Terry is a great singer and Ez a brilliant bassist. They of course reappear as Jet Circus in the future. Grade A.

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