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Age Of Darkness

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Category: CCM Melodic Metal
Year: 1991
Label: R.E.X Music
Catalog Number: 7901422580
Rating: 8.89 out of 10. (23 ratings)

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Kevin Ayers Lead & Backing Vocals, Electric, Acoustic, Classical Guitars
Tim Benton Drums
Andrew Bruner Lead & Rhythm Guitars
Ed Bruner Piano, Classical Guitar, Bass
John Farrell Lead, Rhythm, Electric, Classical Guitars
1.  Tenacious Volition  
2.  Divination  
3.  When You Said Goodbye  
4.  Holly  
5.  Exaltation  
6.  The Witching Hour  
7.  Seance  
8.  Spend My Life With You  
9.  Unchanging Love  
10.  Blood Of The Lamb  
11.  Once Upon A Time  

Existing comments about this CD

From: Scott   (---.) Date: November 30, 2004 at 14:03
Brilliant! My favorite of the three Haven discs. This one is a bit more progressive and a bit more melodic than the first album, but still every bit as heavy. 'Blood of the Lamb' walks a fine line between thrash and speed metal. However, the rest of the disc is straight forward heavy metal that will hit you between the eyes musically and lead you to the very throne of God lyrically.
From: Ty   ( Date: March 23, 2006 at 11:19
Fantastic progressive/power metal, complete with strong vocals, a message of Truth, and technical musicianship you can be impressed with, and shows a lot of practice. A strong second effort from Haven.
From: Cadaveron   ( Date: June 2, 2010 at 23:13
Believe it or not, this is one of my favorite metal albums of all time, and it's from one of most sadly underrated bands of all time. Listening to this album has always been more than a strictly musical experience for me. The darkness of certain lyrics contributes to this as does the production (lots of compression and reverb). There are only a few other albums that do this for me. Another of them is their first album, 'Your Dying Day.' Thank you, Haven. True masterpiece. True metal.
From: Vinomike   (---.) Date: March 6, 2015 at 18:14
I discovered this album in 1992 and fell to in love with it immediately. One of the finest Christian metal album or any metal album I've listened too.
From: Michael   ( Date: July 11, 2017 at 21:00
This album is a heavy metal masterpiece. Proof that Christian heavy metal is as good as any secular heavy metal out there.

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