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Gideon's Army


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Category: AOR
Year: 1990
Label: Pan Trax
Catalog Number: AR844
Rating: 8.97 out of 10. (16 ratings)

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Mark Graves Bass, Lead Vocals
Jerry Anderson Druims, Lead Vocals
Doug Naria Dyeboards, Vocals
Darian Warren Guitar
1.  Knowing You  
2.  Lonely Lover  
3.  Christina  
4.  Grace  
5.  Make Up Your Mind  
6.  Open Arms  
7.  Tough Love  
8.  With The One I Love  
9.  Turn Up The Heat  
10.  Sending You  

Existing comments about this CD

From: Salomonkey   ( Date: April 16, 2005 at 18:44
Excellent album, with great melodies and great vocals. Every song is very good but muy current favorites are Knowing You, Lonely Lover, With The One I Love, Turn Up The Heat and Sending You.
From: doug   ( Date: July 11, 2006 at 19:06
just curiously looking for old info that might be out there and saw that the grace 'album' was listed and even a comment. fyi: my last name is spelled naruo and i banged on the 'k'eyboards. we used the music as a tool to generate curiosity and interest as we went through the ca. and some nevada prison and correction centers.we mostly came from the bay area garage band era of the 60's and 70's. new to web stuff so appoligize if this is on wrong page or site . we have acess to new in wrap cassette
From: Darin Warren   ( Date: February 24, 2008 at 23:20
Doug Naruo!! Where are you brother!?! Man I miss playing with you guys. R.I.P Jerry Anderson
From: dave angeles   ( Date: March 10, 2010 at 20:25
i was lead guitarist on all albums..but appear on only 2 tracks of Grace..thats me on SENDING YOU and THE ONE I LOVE..there was also another drummer on those Jerry Anderson moved to Front man duties..Don Walker is the drummer on those tracks,,worked with Gideon for abour a year before moving to southern cal...miss all these guys..what a great experience
From: dave angeles   ( Date: March 10, 2010 at 20:31
honored to see there is still interest on the net after so many years...i have converted/burned cd copies of all the albums...might BE willing to put together a greatest hits CD.. IF THERE IS INTEREST
From: dave angeles   ( Date: March 10, 2010 at 20:36
Also the current GA on the net is not us...their 300 ALBUM is not anythings we recorded...we are the original GA...except of course the OT Gideon...Jerry Anderson and Mark Greves named the band back the day..
From:   ( Date: October 9, 2012 at 22:43
Where can I get this cd? Gideon's army grace
From: rick kerch vzla   ( Date: November 13, 2012 at 21:26
Great CCM AOR/Melodic Rock indie act!!!...pleasant and solid songs...'Knowing You','Lonely Lover' & 'Christina'(nice ballad)are goodie ones but the best ones IMHO have to be 'Open Arms' & 'With The One I Love'...maybe not a killer album but surely an enjoyable one...88/100
From: metalmaster   ( Date: July 28, 2014 at 11:10
Warriors of Love has been released on retroactive records

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