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Category: AOR
Year: 1991
Label: Curb Records
Catalog Number: D2-77502
Rating: 9.12 out of 10. (13 ratings)

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John Capek keyboards
Johnny Parker keyboards, vocals
Michael Thompson guitar
Dave Amato guitar
Robert Barton guitar, vocals
Peter Beckett guitar, vocals
Dennis Belfield bass
Keith Fisher drums
Chris Frazier drums
Tim Hinkley keyboards
Dann Huff guitar
Danny Johnson guitar
Dennis Lambert keyboards, backing vocals
Michael Lloyd drums, keyboards
Doug Macaskill guitar
Kenny Mountain guitar, vocals
Ian Murray bass
Craig Neil drums
Wayne Nelsen bass, backing vocals
Don Nossov bass
John Parker keyboards, backing vocals
Mark Ross keyboards
Terry Wilson-Slesser vocals
Joey Cathcart guitar
1.  I Told You So  
2.  My Religion  
3.  Brother Louie  
4.  Hangin' By a Thread  
5.  The Big Hurt  
6.  How Can the Girl Refuse  
7.  Not a Day Goes By  
8.  The Bottom Line  
9.  Still of the Night  
10.  Falling From Grace  

Existing comments about this CD

From: Salomonkey   ( Date: April 2, 2005 at 13:09
Great album, excellent melodies, great voice and very good production. My favs songs are I told You So, My Religion, Hangin' By A Thread, Still Of The Night and Falling From Grace but every song is great.
From: tomcat   (---.) Date: April 5, 2005 at 6:50
falling from grace --) amazing tune

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