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David Benson

Holy Psychotherapy

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Category: Doom
Year: 1994
Label: Viva Records
Catalog Number: VIVAD 141
Rating: 6.28 out of 10. (9 ratings)

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David Benson vocals
Scott Ziegler bass
Lee Paddgett drums
Steve Green guitars

Bryn Wilson additional guitars
Keith Trevor additional bass
Troy Edwards additional drums
Clay Stuckey additional guitar
Jim Whitehouse additional drums
Eddie West additional guitar, keyboards, drums
1.  Holy Psychotherapy  4:04
2.  Ichabod (The Glory Has Departed)  4:35
3.  Harlot's Harvest  3:00
4.  One More Chance  3:01
5.  Bloodbath  4:32
6.  Reap  3:28
7.  America Wake Up  3:58
Total Running Time:  26:38

Existing comments about this CD

From: James   (IP unknown) Date: March 6, 2002 at 17:44
The guy has the voice of Ozzy Osborne but the music is lacking. this has a couple of good songs but all end up sounding alike
From: lee padgett   (IP unknown) Date: September 10, 2002 at 21:55
i agree, and i played on this freakin cd.
From: Frank Z.   ( Date: March 4, 2020 at 2:46
A short venture into the question of how a Christian metal Ozzy album might sound. While Benson's vocals are very good, and there are some great, catchy melodies, riffs, and breaks, the production and the depth/layering of the music is a bit lacking. The players seem solid enough, but they don't rise to the level of the better Ozzy and Sabbath albums (a lofty task, anyway). However, that doesn't stop HS from being a fun romp. It was more than enough to put a smile on my face. Like it. B-

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