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Matthew Ward

Toward Eternity

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Category: CCM Lite AOR
Year: 1989
Label: Live Oak Records
Catalog Number: 701-0014-701
Rating: 9.09 out of 10. (22 ratings)

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Matthew Ward lead and backing vocals
Scotty Edwards bass
David Kemper drums
Jay Graydon guitar
Ray Parker Jr. guitar
Phil Keaggy guitar
Michael Omartian piano, Fender Rhoades
Abraham Laboriel bass
Tom Keene piano
Keith Green piano
1.  It's All Right  2:34
2.  Soft Spot  3:43
3.  Noah's Song  3:56
4.  Till the Walls Fall Down  2:29
5.  Gotta Do Better Than This  3:24
6.  Your Love Came Over Me  4:11
7.  Hold On  3:15
8.  Angels Unaware  2:14
9.  Summer Snow  3:40
10.  The Vineyard  2:20
Total Running Time:  31:46

Existing comments about this CD

From: Rickyrexx   (IP unknown) Date: October 16, 2003 at 5:44
This is a nearly perfect album, GREAT vocals, Guitars and songwriting. NOT metal but good rock tunes and Matthews voice is second to none. Phil Keaggys guitar playing makes the album worth your time.
From: tony   ( Date: May 18, 2007 at 23:30
I heard this album in 1980 and it has been near and dear to my heart ever since.What a beautiful testiment to the christian faith. I hear this music and my heart wants to sing. listen to summer snow, and better than this. no one else wrote such heart felt music in the genre at the time. M.W. was and is the man. thank you M. W. for music that will make my soul rejoice until the LORD comes back. tony a.
From: joint heir   ( Date: May 31, 2008 at 20:30
There are no words to describe the voice of Matthew Ward but, I will try...the BEST, angelic, moving, uplifting, effortless and just plain AWESOME!! If you have not heard the music of: Matthew Ward, his sister Annie Herring and also their former group '2nd Chapter of Acts'...then you have NOT heard music. There is NO comparison to the musical talents God has given to this family and you are truly missing out on the best Christian music you will ever hear. Go to Matthew's website & check it out.
From: Jorge   (---.) Date: February 3, 2009 at 13:22
This is by far one of the best Christian CD's ever recorded. Everything is near perfect. Matthew Ward has an awesome voice and the musicians are top of the line. Of course, having Phil Keaggy on this CD helps a bunch. I heard this CD back when it first came out and was blown away by every song and still am every time I hear it.
From: Bradley   ( Date: May 29, 2010 at 1:11
Best Christian album ever made. Period.
From: Cassie   ( Date: March 24, 2011 at 2:21
Who WROTE the song?!! That's what I wanna know. What a birlliant song. Everything about it rocks me. Matthew's singing is amazing....I remember this song from my STILL affects me the same way. I guess that's the Spirit.
From: tim   ( Date: February 23, 2015 at 23:37
Matthew Ward is the Fender Strat of all voices...his voice is absolutely electric. To hear him through the big speakers is an awe taking experience; a woodwind sound with touches of crystal like resonance...a combo I have never heard before. Simply the best voice of the past 40 years. Steve Perry and Matthew Ward in a league of their own.

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