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To Hell With the Devil

Stryper Homepage

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Category: Glam
Year: 1986
Label: Hollywood
Catalog Number: HR-61185-2
Rating: 9.43 out of 10. (204 ratings)

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Michael Sweet lead and backing vocals, lead and acoustic guitars
Robert Sweet drums
Timothy Gaines bass
Oz Fox lead guitar, backing vocals
1.  Abyss  
2.  To Hell With the Devil  
3.  Calling on You  
4.  Free  
5.  Honestly  
6.  The Way  
7.  Sing-Along Song  
8.  Holding On  
9.  Rockin' the World  
10.  All of Me  
11.  More Than a Man  

Existing comments about this CD

From: Jonoo   (IP unknown) Date: January 20, 2002 at 6:08
Thank you Stryper!!! Without you Christian music wouldn't be as strong today as it is. You were trendsetters. They appealled to Christian listeners with their lyrics. And Secular listeners with their sheer talent. Michael your voice was/is one of the best. Oz, Tim and Robert you guys could have gone head to head with any of the best secular musicians. Stryper set the standard and set it high. Thank you Stryper! And God Bless.
From: LiveWire   (IP unknown) Date: February 8, 2002 at 10:05
Jonoo, you took the words out of my mouth. Stryper is really great and this album stands out from the rest. I used to have the cassette tape, but I wore it out when I was a teenager. I just brought the cd last month. This album really rocks! They need to get back together and come out with another album for one last time. I will be there to buy that album. Come on Stryper one more time. An encore!
From: Cephas   (IP unknown) Date: February 9, 2002 at 12:10
Definitely a 'must-have'; a CLASSIC. Stryper's exactly how Christian rock of any decade should sound: Polished, technical, professional. People may have hated the message, but they couldn't quibble with the quality of the production. Stryper could rock the house down, e.g., 'The Way', 'Rockin' the World.' And, they were pretty clear about their love for Jesus, too. Two things detract: 'All of Me' sucks; and, some songs are one verse and the rest chorus. (Write another verse, Mike!)
From: MetalGeek   (IP unknown) Date: February 12, 2002 at 8:37
I can remember running out to the record store and buying this (on cassette) the day it was released. Still their biggest album, the one everyone remembers. I've already been beaten up for this once, but I still like 'Against The Law' too!
From: St. Hood   (IP unknown) Date: March 17, 2002 at 2:27
This is their third album & just as strong as their 1st two. It's awesome all the way through just like the others. Once again I heard christians complain that in 'To Hell With The Devil' song it sounded like he was going to hell with the devil the way it's sung. Whatever. Another great concept and great songs and a cool cover drawn by Robert. A must for any Metal Christian. ROCK ON! St. Hood
From: Tom   (IP unknown) Date: April 27, 2002 at 6:37
A great record. Great rock and roll, a good ballad (Honestly), this one was great.
From: raistlin   (IP unknown) Date: May 12, 2002 at 1:22
a perfect 10 the best stryper album. every song is a winner those who criticize this record are deaf. if stryper didnt existed christian metal may never had existed. reunite guys dont keep us waiting
From: Magnus   (IP unknown) Date: May 16, 2002 at 10:35
Oh,God!...Theyre amazing!Each album is powerful and sweetness at same time.Rocking all the world with their yellow & black supersound production.A great door to many other bands after them.
From: C*LES*T   (IP unknown) Date: August 21, 2002 at 21:26
From: Doug Luttrell   (IP unknown) Date: June 27, 2003 at 1:55
This is my favorite album but i do like them all and Against the Law is good to so why do people put them down about that album . I disagree with some cause I like them all and I seen them in concert in 1988 and they were excellent . One of these days they will get back together and come out with another album and I'm sure it will be as good as all the rest . So hurry guys were all waitng for a NEW album . ROCK ON
From: Plutarch   (IP unknown) Date: July 20, 2003 at 21:51
Great album.My second favorite.Polished and clean but you could see 'In God we Trust' coming and no one was safe from the glossy pop that was coming.
From: Alejandro   (IP unknown) Date: October 29, 2003 at 4:02
First album I heard from Stryper and it was enough to make me a fan of theirs. They are the best Christian band.
From: facesk   (IP unknown) Date: November 4, 2003 at 18:42
They did reunite! A radio ad I heard last week had them in concert sometime in November at the Marquee Theater in Tempe, Az. Try looking into it and see if they are comming to a town near you!
From: Rycheage   ( Date: December 4, 2004 at 16:58
This was one of the best melodic rock discs released in the 80's. Crunching guitars, soaring vocals (courtesy of Michael Sweet) and pounding drums are aplenty. 'To Hell With The Devil', 'Calling On You', 'Free' and 'Rockin' The World' are aces. 'Honestly' and 'All Of Me' are touching ballads of the first order. Highly recommended!
From: robert   (---.) Date: April 4, 2005 at 10:36
Absolutamente Genial!!! Mi favorito del Grupo Cristiano mas Mitico d la historia del Hard Rock!! Imprescindible!!
From: FOX   ( Date: April 8, 2005 at 14:49
I totally love you guys. Stryper is one of the baddest rock bands i have ever heard. what you have done for christian music is impossible to put down in words. thank guys, in CHRIST FOX
From: Salomonkey   ( Date: April 16, 2005 at 19:11
Another great album of Stryper. To Hell With the Devil, Free and More Than a Man my current favorite.
From: KISS   ( Date: May 28, 2005 at 14:17
Def leppard meets white lion!
From: stryperfan29   ( Date: June 2, 2005 at 21:56
this album rocks! i would love to get my hands on the rest of them too! they did reunite! they got a new album coming out August 16 followed with a tour! the new album is called reborn and you can hear part of the first song on!
From: Alien1988Rocks   (---.) Date: May 2, 2006 at 10:28
One of the Best Rock Albums ever,just Fantastic 10/10 . Stryper forever . Don't like the Reborn Album it isn't good.
From: headbanger4life   ( Date: September 21, 2006 at 7:04
This is where it all started for me. It was my first introduction to christian hard rock/metal (for a non-religious individual). I was a teenager who loved headbangin' music and this was everything I loved about hard rock. After hearing this, I quickly picked up everything I could by these guys.
From: rick kerch vzla   ( Date: February 18, 2007 at 19:58
This is the album that 4 me put the band at its highest!!!.All the songs are wonderful with nice production and overall with feeling.Superb ballads such as 'Honestly' and 'All of me' are outstanding,rockers such as 'Calling on You'and the title of the album 'To hell with the Devil'are pieces of diamonds!!!.Feel 'Free' to buy this album because you'll be on 'The Way' to be 'More than a Man'!!!.10/10
From: barb   ( Date: October 12, 2007 at 16:17
one of the best metal albums,christian or not, me stryper is the best metal band of all time, and this album proves it...there are a couple of cheesy synth ballads, but everything else just rocks...go get it now, or else!!!
From: ThunderDan   ( Date: January 3, 2019 at 0:47
This record is truly amazing! The primary reason being the song Honestly, which was my 8th Grade Class song in '88. The fact is, I didn't like the song at first (I even had the stones to tell that to Michael Sweet!) Now, Honestly means a lot to me! There are so many other great songs on here, it's so hard for me to pick ONE favorite. Essential!

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