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In God We Trust

Stryper Homepage

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Category: Glam
Year: 1988
Label: Enigma
Catalog Number: D2-73317
Rating: 9.44 out of 10. (123 ratings)

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Michael Sweet lead vocals and guitar
Timothy Gaines bass
Oz Fox guitar
Robert Sweet drums
1.  In God We Trust  
2.  Always There For You  
3.  Keep The Fire Burning  
4.  I Believe In You  
5.  The Writings On The Wall  
6.  It's Up 2 U  
7.  The World Of You And I  
8.  Come To The Everlife  
9.  Lonely  
10.  The Reign  

Existing comments about this CD

From: Wadelink   (IP unknown) Date: November 20, 2001 at 4:09
This is one of my favorite stryper albums there last christian album before converting
From: Skids   (IP unknown) Date: December 29, 2001 at 13:16
This was a good 'Pop' album, but definitely not their best work. And as far as them 'Converintg', they never did convert to anything bad. All of the songs on Aganist The Law can be backed up with the Bible. Check it out for yourself.
From: MetalGeek   (IP unknown) Date: January 3, 2002 at 7:16
I always thought this was their weakest album, personally. Just about every track was a clone of something off of 'To Hell With The Devil'. I'm definitely in the minority, but I felt 'Against The Law' was some of their best, most mature work. I never understood why their fan base turned on them like they did...
From: LiveWire   (IP unknown) Date: February 8, 2002 at 10:11
I like this album, but I like 'To Hell With The Devil' the best. I've never turned from Stryper.
From: St. Hood   (IP unknown) Date: March 17, 2002 at 2:37
This is a great album & another cover concept. Never has been another christian group that ever came close to being as great as Stryper. They were anointed and blessed and as good as anything the devil had or has. Again the criticism was about their money concept. Darn rock throwers(christians). A must for any Metal Christian. ROCK ON! St. Hood
From: Cephas   (IP unknown) Date: April 22, 2002 at 10:48
This is ah-ight. There are some good songs on this, like 'Keep the Fire Burning' & 'It's up 2 U'. Unfortunately, there's not much growth musically or lyrically. I'd heard this was a clone of THWTD - which it isn't. But, there are too many verse/chorus/chorus songs, like the title track, which is NOT acceptable from a veteran band. Was anybody else disturbed by Rob Sweet's suggestive pose on the back cover? I was LOLing when I saw it: Down, boy, down; you're taking yourself too seriously!!
From: Tom   (IP unknown) Date: April 27, 2002 at 6:34
I thought this CD was a clone of THWTD. The song order/style was identical: big opening title track, then a very commercially successful midtempo rocker, then an arena crowd pleaser, then a ballad, then a total rocker, then another sing along type song, then a couple of midtempo songs, then another ballad and finally a rocker to close the record. They were identical. All that being said, I like this record. There are some jammin tunes here!
From: raistlin   (IP unknown) Date: May 12, 2002 at 1:31
good one. i really enjoy it and stryper showed us that the can play anything the want and they still sond great. i love the world of you and i, the reign and always there for you. and i never turned on them and they never converted thats for sure
From: A TRUE FAN   (IP unknown) Date: August 17, 2002 at 23:26
Stryper is one of my favorite groups. The music is awesome even though I am a hell raiser. this music keeps me on my toes wanting more. Seen Stryper in concert in new orleans and yall were awesome keep the faith and keep rocking. God bless all of you.
From: Alpha Male   (IP unknown) Date: March 13, 2003 at 22:47
What can i say ' In God We Trust Trust Trust Trust Trust' . This album should be the Glam Rock Album of The Millenium.
From: Plutarch   (IP unknown) Date: July 20, 2003 at 21:59
I am a huge 'Stryper' fan but this was milktoast.I have every album on CD except this one.It is only my opinion so do not lash out at me too badly but I have nightmares of the'Sing Along Song' and 'It's Up 2 U'.I did like the 'Reign' and 'The Writings On The Wall' but for me it was too little.It was polished and clean but too sanitary.
From: Juan   (IP unknown) Date: August 11, 2003 at 12:20
My favorite album nothing else to say.
From: Salomonkey   (IP unknown) Date: October 9, 2003 at 15:26
In God We Trust and Against The Law are the best Stryper's albums.
From: RONALD VARGASLI   (IP unknown) Date: March 11, 2004 at 14:57
From: GroovyLime   (IP unknown) Date: September 3, 2004 at 19:12
I agree with Plutarch. This is milktoast. I remember when it came out. I was very disappointed. My brother's friend (who hated metal) loved it! Get all the other Stryper albums, but stay away from this one if you like to rock.
From: FOX   ( Date: April 13, 2005 at 22:32
this is a very very very good album from start to finish. stryper is the total lion and the lamb. from heavy, screaking, rocking tunes, to calm, thoughtful, and deep ballads. i love them to death. very few bands christian or not rock harder than does stryper. on the FOX ROCK SCALE this album gets a 9.2 very strong lyrically,musically, it is a small bit like to hell with the devil, but still different enough to be a classic. a must have in your christian metal cd collection, you will love it!!!!!
From: Alien1988Rocks   (---.) Date: May 2, 2006 at 10:34
Stryper is Magic 10/10.I love this One. Fantastic Melodic Hard-A.O.R. Song *In God We Trust* is a Metal Hit
From: rick kerch vzla   ( Date: March 4, 2007 at 11:20
'Always there for you' is timeless!!!.This one was (and is)still a good example of what Stryper was about!!!(and i say not 'still' 'coz 4 me with their last album 'Reborn' they have lost their horizon shamely...).The rest of the songs?,fine examples of great glam/hard rock vibe!!!.8/10
From: blacklabel   ( Date: July 16, 2009 at 20:59
This was the most dissapointing album they made. They spent WAY too much time over polishing this. I think The Reign,Writings on the Wall,and In God We Trust are it. This was just a bad time for them. Horrible record. But I supported them anyways. I saw them on this tour, with White Lion, White Lion sucked,but Stryper was still ok.
From: Kenneth   ( Date: April 30, 2010 at 22:46
This was a great album. To whoever commented Stryper 'converted'. If you listen closely to the lyrics on ATL, the message is christian. Just not as bold. Examples: Not That Kind of Guy talks against one night stands. Lady is love song to Michael's wife. Two Bodies talks about going through some rough times in marriage

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