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Come Alive

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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1988
Label: Pan-Trax
Catalog Number: PTX-D-88003
Rating: 7.29 out of 10. (28 ratings)

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Peter Pankratz
Nikolai Pankratz
Phil Naish
Tom Hemby
Duncan Mullins
Mike Radovsky
Andy Denton
1.  Come Alive  
2.  Someone Listening  
3.  Broken Heart  
4.  Holy and True  
5.  Come Home  
6.  The Word Stands Forever  
7.  Burning Bridges  
8.  Exalt the Name  
9.  Do You Care?  
10.  Lord of the Impossible  

Existing comments about this CD

From: Kammie   (IP unknown) Date: March 30, 2002 at 7:44
For some reason I was thinking about Ruscha today and thought I'd see if I could find the cd. Saw them group in concert back in '88, and I thought they were pretty cool.
From: kevensyle   (IP unknown) Date: April 9, 2002 at 17:59
This was an alright album, but the group with the same lead singer that would follow (Legend Seven) was much better.
From: Bob   (IP unknown) Date: November 29, 2003 at 20:08
I like this album a lot. Andy Denton started off here and went on to do Legend (later changing the name to Legend Seven). The latter bands are heavier than Ruscha but Ruscha is a great start to Andy Denton's future.
From: bighairbrewster   (IP unknown) Date: January 31, 2004 at 23:25
I love this album. It's not metal per say, but it still rocks! I saw them live in 88' it was a great show. I wished they would have made another one. PEACE
From: Rick Ferguson   (IP unknown) Date: February 24, 2004 at 14:21
( I remember seeing Ruscha back in 1988 when they were in Roanoke, VA. I saw them with my youth group twice that year. I loved their testimony about their underground churches and struggle in Russia in order to worship Christ. I am hoping to find a copy of their album, and if anyone knows where I can get it, please let me know at the e-mail address above...Thanks!
From: Azriel   (IP unknown) Date: August 23, 2004 at 15:02
This CD came out when my brother had just passed away. The song 'Come Home' really got me and my other brother thru the greiving process. if ANYONE know's how I can get a copy of this CD, PLEASE e-mail me at: Thanks so much! Godbless!
From: arnart   ( Date: February 25, 2005 at 12:26
To everyone out there. I knew Ruscha when they first started. Nikolai and Peter had some rocky stuff they wanted to add to “Come Alive” but had little to say concerning the direction of the recording. Nikolai was the one that made Andy Denton. Andy could not sing a lick when he came to Ruscha but Nikolai saw the potential in him and spent months after month working on his vocals until Andy was ready to go into the studio. --- Continue in next email ---
From: kid   ( Date: February 25, 2005 at 12:28
Later, Nikolai has solidified a Sony/CBS agreement for the band but right after the agreement was signed Andy Denton, Billy Williams and Mike Jacobs circumvented the brothers and went to Bubba Smith and Word Records directly behind their backs. Even though it cost the brothers a huge amount of time and personal resources Andy, Billy and Mike circumvented Peter and Nikolai, formed the group “Legend” and worked out a deal for themselves, a pretty rotten thing to do in my opinion. -- continue --
From: semi   ( Date: February 25, 2005 at 12:29
After Andy, Billy and Mike left Ruscha, Nikolai has put together an incredible album that really rocks but decided not to take it to the labels. I was one of the few fortunate people to hear the songs and they are awesome! I know if he would finish it, the album would have had many hits. Today, even though he is still a Christian he does not want anything to do with the Christian market. I have heard he is producing films in Hollywood and occasionally accepts speaking engagements. - continue -
From: THE END   ( Date: February 25, 2005 at 12:31
If someone knows where I could find the two brothers please let me know. If they still sing and speak I would go to hear them at any time but would not give the time of the day to see Andy, Billy or Mike the phony “Legendary Three”. The END.
From: Debbie   ( Date: February 25, 2005 at 12:40
Hey thanks arnart, kid, semi and THE END. I guess the four comments above came from the same person. I was wondering what happened to Ruscha. Now I know and just like you love Nikolai and Peter. Never was interested in Legend and think they are jerks for doing what they have done.
From: Evgeniy   (---.) Date: July 21, 2005 at 16:41
arnart has told the truth. The same to me has told Nikolai Pankratz. I from Russia. Nikolai Pankratz my friend. Excuse for bad English language. It is computer translation.
From: Nina   ( Date: September 26, 2008 at 15:06
I have a few boxes of RUSCHA CD. If someone is interested please contact me by e-mail
From: arnart   ( Date: April 4, 2009 at 12:25
I know Peter personally.. what a very cool guy. Went to school with his kids as a matter of fact. arnart, if you are interested in talking to the brother then leave yoru email here and I'll pass it off to Peter.
From: Sherry   ( Date: June 24, 2009 at 10:05
We knew the brothers when they were starting out and were then 'The Russians' [ the earlier 1980's ] . While in Georgia they visited 'THE LIGHT HOUSE' ,our 'Youth Coffee House' where we ministered to the youth of our community . They are precious people and I continued to pray for them though the years. They have a powerful message. I kept in touch for a while with Peter's wife Lilly. She has such a lovely spirit. I continue to wish them all the best.
From: Kathy   ( Date: August 26, 2009 at 20:17
Peter and his family were my neighbors in TN, and they are an awesome family!
From: Peter   ( Date: December 28, 2009 at 18:34
Hey Gang, it's an honor to read the good, the bad and to my surprise there wasn't much ugly. If you guys want to keep in touch with me directly here is my email: PETERINTEGRITY@COMCAST.NET Loved every opportunity to worship the Lord with you at every concert and hope it did more good than I ever thought. Bless you all, Peter Pankratz, just one of the servants of God in Ruscha
From: Jane   ( Date: July 10, 2010 at 17:33
Come Alive had some amazing music. I had a tape from before it was finished and wore it out. Thanks, brothers! GBU
From: Pankratz   ( Date: December 15, 2011 at 22:33
Haha its interesting to hear you all talk about Peter and Nikolai. Those are my uncles. And no, Nikolai didn't go on to hollywood
From: Dan   ( Date: April 16, 2012 at 22:57
I heard Peter a Nikolai lied about being Russian and thats why Andy, Billy and Michael left the band. Also, Andy was in several bands before Ruscha and could always those remarks made in 2005 are really inaccurate!
From: Lora   ( Date: May 15, 2012 at 19:33
Dan is not correct. They openly said from stage that they are from Russia of German parents. They were exiled to Siberia partially because of their religious views and German descend.
From: Jay   ( Date: September 18, 2012 at 16:15
I remember Peter and Nik from my days back at Liberty - they were an amazing duo. I remember dropping the needle on 'Come Home' when it first came out and sitting there crying - it is an amazing song. They started to get involved with a seedy character that I tired to warn them about - and unfortunately - the rest is history. God's hand was on it - but Satan's minions were at hand - and it hurts to see what happened.
From: Glenn   ( Date: September 4, 2014 at 11:46
I met and fellowshipped with Alexander Pankratz (brother of Peter & Nik, and 'The Russians' original drummer) when I was in Germany with the Trans World Radio mission. It was many years ago, but Alex introduced me to the music of Ruscha and his testimony still resonates.
From: Ronda   ( Date: July 10, 2018 at 0:11
Listened to Come Alive. It was so anointed and filled with the Truth of God's Word (I did not know that back then) so I was able to quit drugs & alcohol without NA/AA meetings. I wanted the Holy Spirit more & more. The band came to Wichita, Ks...and was grateful for the experience. Thank u Peter & Nioolai. I Have been a worship leader for over 20 years now. Still listen to your CD and help others with addiction issues. Is it ok to email u Peter? Do u ever speak in churches? Ronda
From: Karin   (---.) Date: February 3, 2020 at 0:18
I first saw this band perform at Praise in the Rockies in Estes Park,CO. I was hooked after the first song & spoke with them in German & invited them to dinner at the Dun Raven Italian restaurant. The entire band came along with some other folks who were here every year. I purchased their tape & wore it out. I recently heard my pastor say this scripture: The grass withers & the flowers fade but the word of God stands forever. Went on-line & listened to all the songs & was transported back in tim
From: Jeff S   (---.) Date: August 13, 2020 at 16:54
They crossed my mind recently and Come Alive is on Amazon Unlimited, so I got to have a listen. It's absolutely amazing that I remember every lick of their music after 30-odd years. Denton reminds me so much of Greg X Volz. I was a huge fan of Whiteheart, Petra, Rez Band, etc during that era.
From: battery sport   (---.) Date: October 27, 2023 at 5:23
Now all is clear, thanks for the help in this question.

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