
On Fire!
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Category: CCM |
Year: 1988 |
Label: Star Song |
Catalog Number: ssc 8106 |
Bob Hartman lead guitar
John Lawry keyboards
John Schlitt lead vocals
Louie Weaver drums
Ronny Cates bass guitar
1. | All Fired Up | |
2. | Hit You Where You Live | |
3. | Mine Field | |
4. | First Love | |
5. | Defector | |
6. | Counsel of the Holy | |
7. | Somebody's Gonna Praise His Name | |
8. | Open Book | |
9. | Stand in the Gap | |
10. | Homeless Few | |
Existing comments about this CD
From: MSJanke (IP unknown) |
Date: June 4, 2001 at 18:36 |
Petra never rocked harder then they did here, on this semi-sequel to This Means War! The opening three tracks are perhaps the most intense consecutive 12 minutes in the band's history. 'Council Of the Holy' still stands as one of my favorites.
From: Tom (IP unknown) |
Date: March 26, 2002 at 1:55 |
MSJanke nailed it. Petra never rocked as hard as they did on the opening 3 tracks, though Defector has probably the hardest riff the band ever did. The chugga-chugga rhythm guitars in Hit You Where You Live just make me go Ahhhh... Of all the ballads Petra did since John Schlitt joined the band, First Love has to be one of the worst. But Homeless Few is one of the best. It really makes you think. Somebody's Gonna Praise His Name is another, fast-paced rocker worth any metalhead's time.
From: ROBERT (IP unknown) |
Date: November 22, 2002 at 11:11 |
me quedo con un tema:FIRST LOVE, personalmente la voz ahi me recuerda al gran George Michael !! BUen grupo!
From: y yo ke se (IP unknown) |
Date: December 25, 2002 at 20:53 |
robert, tio estas en todos los lados
From: Jay (IP unknown) |
Date: February 18, 2003 at 5:42 |
This album REALLY rocks. Minefield has got to be the heaviest song EVER and man, John's voice really screams here. I have to disagree with First Love being the worst ballad. I love it, and his voice is awesome on there. But I like 'Open Book' better.
From: Cephas (IP unknown) |
Date: February 24, 2003 at 15:31 |
A hands-down classic! The 1st three songs are killers. 'Somebody's Gonna, etc.'is also a great rocker. Never heard Petra do better. 2 other CDs I've gotten from them don't match this one in intensity, hooks, and originality. Perhaps, Petra should've learned from this and avoided all those line-up changes? I can't give it a 10 because of 'Homeless Few' which opens with something like bongo drums (??). Save nonsense like that for folk singers and lite rock. Drop that song and On Fire! is perfect.
From: Harry Ebbeson (IP unknown) |
Date: July 11, 2003 at 13:27 |
At this time, I was graduating HS and this was the heaviest I had ever heard Petra. Used to play this album as loud as I could in my car. God Bless Petra! They were very heavy, but listen to Homeless Few and they are so cool. This song was a great way to end the album. Shows their versatility and the message was so cool. I loved the whole album. I especially like Defector, Mine Field, Homeless Few, stand in the Gap. The whole album is good for me. I have it on CD now and listen to it.
From: Buster (IP unknown) |
Date: July 15, 2003 at 1:13 |
Petra was my absolute favorite band when I was growing up. This was my favorite album they did like every one has said so far this album ROCKED it was there best one the whole CD is so good the lyrics are awesome too.
From: bighairbrewster (IP unknown) |
Date: March 4, 2004 at 15:24 |
Yeah man this album ROCKS! This was Petra going through their lets give Stryper a run for their money stage. ROCKIN Album!! Four Stars!!
From: Salomonkey (IP unknown) |
Date: April 24, 2004 at 18:12 |
This is another great album of Petra. Counsel of the Holy is one of the best songs ever.
From: FOX (---.clvdoh.adelphia.net) |
Date: April 11, 2005 at 23:03 |
a timeless classic that is 2nd to none. i have said before i dont have a fav petra album, but i love this cd from front to back. i like fast heavy songs, the slow songs.they do it all on this album, mine field, defector, hit you where you live,stand in the gap, councel........they are all soooooo awesome. on the FOX ROCK SCALE i give this album a 10 big time. it is albums like this, beyond belief,unseen power that make me proud to say that petra is my all time fav band.you have to check this out
From: (---.) |
Date: May 26, 2005 at 17:42 |
On Fire!!!!!! Really fired up album by petra!!!!!!!!Never sounded harded!!!Being a Never Say Die Petra fan i proudly say that this album is the best ever by Petra....er....next to Beyond Belief.....er...and Unseen Power!!!!lol!!!
From: Guga (---.cmcapitalmarkets.com.br) |
Date: November 22, 2005 at 13:04 |
Counsel of the Holy - Best Petra Song On Fire!!! - Best Petra Album That's it
From: Alien1988Rocks (---.) |
Date: May 2, 2006 at 10:12 |
Petra Rocks on this record, very good Melodic A.O.R .Song *Stand in the Gap* is AOR Heaven. Check out Angelica *Walking in faith* too.
From: ThomasW (---.socal.res.rr.com) |
Date: July 25, 2009 at 3:35 |
Way back in 1989 I got to see Petra live in concert during the 'On Fire' world tour. I had been a Petra fan and album collector ever since 'Not Of This World'. But had never seen them perform live. The concert was in Sacramento, CA at the Arco Arena (indoor basketball arena) and I have to say, it was by far the loudest Christian rock concert I had ever been to!!! But, I totally loved it. Totally confirmed my love and devotion to Petra, the band, and the song playlist for that night totally ROCKE
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