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Neon Cross

Neon Cross

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Category: Melodic Metal
Year: 1988
Label: Regency
Catalog Number: 790-082-1465
Rating: 9.24 out of 10. (110 ratings)

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Michael Betts
David Raymond Reeves
Don Webster
Ed Ott
1.  Victory  
2.  Run Into the Light  
3.  We Are the Children of our Lord  
4.  Heartbreaker  
5.  Far Cry From Eden  
6.  On the Rock  
7.  Frontline Life  
8.  Outta the Way  
9.  I'm Not Alone  
10.  Right Time   

Existing comments about this CD

From: LiveWire   (IP unknown) Date: February 8, 2002 at 10:46
This album rocks! Not the best band tho, but it rocks!
From: Rosie Hendrix   (IP unknown) Date: April 2, 2002 at 21:18
one of the best albums in heavenly metal history. Fast paced chops that can't help but draw you in. Lyrics of their songs are direct and often intense. A mature band both musically and spiritually. Straight ahead, solid, energetic metal
From: Judd Harper   (IP unknown) Date: April 2, 2002 at 21:19
Neon Cross self titled debut is a heavy dosage of metal, David Raymond Reeves lead vocalist, makes the band truely unique in the overflowed metal market with his very original vocals. lyrically Neon Cross is sincere and profound. Musically Neon Cross is solid metal, no frills, just straight ahead kicken metal
From: Tom   (IP unknown) Date: April 5, 2002 at 22:29
Lots, lots, lots of bottom end make this record one of the best in Christian metal history. There's plenty to love on this record, but the heavy rhythm section with big, pounding drums and a thick bass line, make this record. Reeves' vocals are strong and good. He gets above the din of the music and makes himself heard. The guitars on this record are also very strong. Thick, choppy rhythm guitars and blistering leads. I put this record in the top 5 Christian metal records of all time.
From: Cephas   (IP unknown) Date: April 15, 2002 at 13:38
I believed the hype on this one & bought it, expecting to hear a classic: How could I go wrong with one of the best Christian Metal CD's in history? Right. Neon Cross plods along from song to song without any heart or focus. Instead of shaking my walls, it bored the paper off them. The singing & guitarwork are serviceable - but, by no means as good as everyone claims. I gave this 1 (maybe, 2) listens before tossing it into a drawer. Then, I sold it on eBay. Fool me once ...
From: Tom   (IP unknown) Date: April 15, 2002 at 21:43
Sorry you didn't like it Cephas, but judging from your comments on other records, I think you might have some different tastes in general from most Christian metal fans. That's not a criticism, just a reality. Every Christian metalhead I've ever talked to loves this record by Neon Cross. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, eh?
From: ThatsMy2Cents   (IP unknown) Date: August 20, 2002 at 11:48
A CD with a message, a classic that should be in any collection. The good news is it was re-released for those that missed out or had a tape that got worn out. Best place to get the 1988 re-release is I got mine from there and the shipping was free.
From: Steve O   (IP unknown) Date: August 26, 2002 at 1:20
These guys rocked at the Marti Gras Concert, if you missed it you really missed something great. Daves vocals were awsome...
From: drewman202   (IP unknown) Date: March 10, 2003 at 7:22
Great album! Nothing solid heavy metal with extremely catchy riffs. David Raymond Reeves is a good vocalist on the lower end of things, but he sometimes gets a little high for his own good. Fantastic axework though! All in all great album. Favorite tracks: Heartbreaker, Frontline Life, Victory.
From: Jay   (IP unknown) Date: May 17, 2003 at 5:13
Wow. From the songs I've heard, 'Outta the Way', 'Right Time', 'I'm Not Alone, and my favorite 'Run Into the Light' just completely rock. I've asked David himself and he's gonna give me the lyircs--- I'm very interested in how good they are. Anyways, best stuff I heard in a while. For some strange reason at first, I was like, yeah, whatever.....but really need to be 'in the mood' for the slower but hard rockin' tunes to really appreciate this. Trust me on this. Peace out/God Bless.
From: Scott   (IP unknown) Date: January 7, 2004 at 14:06
I loved this album when it came out. It still holds a nostalgic hold many year later, but having met the band in 2001, they changed my perception of this CD forever. Their guitarist pointed out the fact that their drummer at the time was so basic, he played the same beat in each song. Now I can't listen to this CD without hearing that echo through my head. Argh! Hope I didn't ruin it for anyone else.
From: Scott   (IP unknown) Date: January 7, 2004 at 14:08
should also mention, get the M8 re-release as it has several essential bonus tracks including 'Son of God' one of the most captivating songs Neon Cross ever did.
From: Cephas   (IP unknown) Date: April 23, 2004 at 4:23
I need to change my review: This is a good classic metal platter. These guys are old-school metal with NWOBHM influences. Yes, a few songs are boring ('Run Into the Light'). But, several others are true metal songs with great riffs, choruses, & singing. 'I'm Not Alone' starts well, but there's an a cappella (?) part that stinks. My first review was wrong: This is a pleasurable listen and one I'll hold on to. For fans of Iron Maiden or Judas Priest.
From: Ty   (IP unknown) Date: July 31, 2004 at 12:04
Powerful, fist-pumping metal, complete with a driving rhythm section, Don Webster's full-throttle guitar attack, and a screamer vocalist who sounds like he could shatter glass! Dig the cover art, and a fantastic message! No doubt about it, Neon-Cross meant business!! Considered a Christian metal classic, and I agree. God bless!!!
From: Doug   ( Date: September 23, 2004 at 21:53
Great Sounding CD , Heartbreaker , Victory , Right Time & Run Into The light are the best 4 tracks . I have this on CD if anyone needs a copy . My email .
From: Salomonkey   ( Date: April 2, 2005 at 17:18
Personally an ok album and like Doug wrote the better songs are Right Time, Run Into The Light and Victory.
From: NEON CROSS   (---.) Date: August 2, 2005 at 17:05
Thanks for all the kind comments, and for those that don't like the band. Check out the new CD coming out. You may change your mind.
From: Paul Edwards   ( Date: November 18, 2005 at 22:03
This CD is terrific. The 'Torn' album is great, too, but you wouldn't recognize it as the same band. I prefer the first album, probably because I'm a veteran of the classic 80's metal years, but both albums are great. Neon Cross rocks!
From: Rosie   ( Date: June 19, 2006 at 14:17
One of the best albums in heavenly metal history. Fast paced chops that can't help but draw you in. Lyrics of their songs are direct and often intense. A mature band both musically and spiritually. Straight ahead, solid, energetic metal
From: Rich   ( Date: March 26, 2011 at 10:54
Neon Cross rocks. They have that Black n' Blue (Jamie St. James) sound.. This is what Jamie would sound like if he were to put out Christian Metal. I love Christian Metal and this album is what will keep me listening to this type of metal for all my days, in addition to my normal 80s hair metal and metal of course.

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