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Mastedon Homepage

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Category: AOR
Year: 1990
Label: Pakaderm
Catalog Number: 7012503262
Rating: 9.18 out of 10. (78 ratings)

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Vocalists Dave Amato, Tom Bowes, John Elefante, Dean Longacre
Backing vocalists John Elefante, Dave Amato, Bob Carlisle
Guitars Tony Palacios, Dino Elefante, Dave Amato, Michael Thompson, Steph Burns
Bass John Pierce, Dino Elefante
Keyboards John Elefante, John Andrew Schriener
Drums David Raven, Phil Rowland, Mac Jack
1.  Holiest One  4:50
2.  Life on the Line  4:25
3.  Run to the Water  4:30
4.  When it All Comes Down  4:30
5.  Taken Down Below  4:33
6.  Stampede  2:27
7.  Living for You  4:16
8.  Thief in the Night  2:47
9.  People of this Time  4:54
10.  It is Done  3:43
Total Running Time:  40:55

Existing comments about this CD

From: MSJanke   (IP unknown) Date: June 4, 2001 at 18:39
Second Elefante studio project under the Mastedon moniker, it is also the most cohesive. The first half is outstanding, while the second half is only decent. Still, a classic project.
From: ChRguru   (IP unknown) Date: December 20, 2001 at 13:02
This is an excellent melodic metal album. It has a bit of a progressive feel and excellent production. The ony negative is that you have to take out a second mortgage if you want to buy it.
From: LiveWire   (IP unknown) Date: February 8, 2002 at 9:09
I have this album it is really good. I'll recomend this to any one who likes rock.
From: SED   (IP unknown) Date: June 25, 2003 at 22:47
If you don't own this; you've yet to experience CCM's zenith production!
From: Quinnmyster   (IP unknown) Date: October 8, 2003 at 18:55
If you like Petra, Mastedon's songs are like Petra's best.
From: Otti   (IP unknown) Date: October 12, 2003 at 17:50
Is there someone who want to record that CD for me? I can not find that CD because it is to long time ago that the CD was produce. If so please e-mail me to Thank you!
From: Salomonkey   (IP unknown) Date: May 12, 2004 at 21:13
Great album. A lot of superlative songs like Holiest One, Life on the Line, Run to the Water, Taken Down Below, Living for You, People of this Time and It Is Done. The last one is my favorite, this album is a must to have.
From: Jay/PetraFan007   ( Date: February 19, 2005 at 23:00
I'm not one to get all 'emotional' on my music, but this amazing tunes and melodies, the passionate singing of John Elefante, the superb harmonizing, the awesome lyrics...all get to me and I really can feel it. Plus it rocks! One of my favorite albums of all time.
From: Stender   ( Date: April 25, 2008 at 23:36
Very good and also very rare. Clean production, melodic all around cool release. Reminds of a slightly upscale Petra. Powerful lyrics and memorable guitar playing. 9/10

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