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Love Life

Good Bye Lady Jane

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Category: CCM Hard Rock
Year: 1991
Label: Blonde Vinyl
Catalog Number: BVCD3302
Rating: 8.38 out of 10. (26 ratings)

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Larry Worley vocals, guitar
Darin Eby guitar
Rod Romero bass, backing vocals
Gary Hanson drums, backing vocals
1.  Real Love  2:52
2.  Do You Love Me  3:37
3.  Hearts on Fire  4:05
4.  When Loneliness Comes Knockin'  4:27
5.  Girl Gone Bad  3:32
6.  Fill 'er Up  0:13
7.  Goodbye Lady Jane  3:48
8.  In Blue Again  5:01
9.  1000 Reasons  4:56
10.  A Hard Day's Night  2:33  Cover: The Beatles
11.  Do You Believe In Love  3:22
Total Running Time:  38:26

Existing comments about this CD

From: James   (IP unknown) Date: October 19, 2001 at 19:55
Great Band. Three members are from the band Fear Not. This incarnation sounds very much like Slaughter. A solid 8.5
From: Tom   (IP unknown) Date: April 2, 2002 at 22:50
Good record, but very poorly produced. The guitars needed a lot more work on the production end. This group renamed themselves to Fear Not and put out a much better album under that name. If you like the Beatles, you'll love these guys. They sound like a heavy metal Beatles. They even cover an old Beatles tune - A Hard Day's Night. Favorites include: Real Love, Do You Love Me, Goodbye Lady Jane and Do You Believe In Love.
From: Ty   (IP unknown) Date: August 2, 2002 at 11:42
Although the production needed to be better, thank God the Blonde Vinyl label DIDN'T try to turn Love Life into an 'alternative' band! Larry's voice is in fine form, and the album does rock! The title track is one of the catchiest hard rock tunes around, only God knows how many times I've listened to it over the years! 8/10
From: TIM   (IP unknown) Date: April 11, 2003 at 7:41
Very good band. Every track is excellent.
From: Salomonkey   ( Date: April 16, 2005 at 12:43
Excellent album, it has very good melodies and a great vocalist. Every song is excellent but my current favs are Real Love, Girl Gone Bad, A Hard Day's Night and Do You Believe In Love. A must to have!!!!
From: Coach   ( Date: January 25, 2006 at 13:28
Great disc. Rocks hard. They got even better when they renamed themselves Fear Not and released the self titled sophomore album. Check em out!!!
From: gary Hanson   ( Date: November 18, 2008 at 15:18
Some of the best tome of my life were had play in this Band
From: Rich   ( Date: January 15, 2012 at 22:33
This album rocks! They are not 'like' Slaughter...they are better! Hard to find, rare art from the heyday of Christian rock. Great guitar work, sweet harmonies, good lyrics. This is not a praise don't expect Petra stuff (who I love BTW)...this music tried reaching a broader audience (at the time) and was recast as Fear Not (another great album) but I always liked their debut stuff. crank it up!

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