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The Brave


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Category: CCM AOR
Year: 1994
Label: Pakaderm Records
Catalog Number: 7012526262
Rating: 8.05 out of 10. (20 ratings)

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Randy Roberts lead vocals, guitar
Stayce Roberts guitars, vocals
Freddie Tierra guitars, vocals
Steve Irwin bass, vocals
Jamie Wollam additional drums
J.R. McNeely additional bass
John Elefante additional keyboards
1.  The River  4:23
2.  Rage of the Age  4:46
3.  Following You  4:13
4.  Dirty Water  4:53
5.  Tomorrow  5:03
6.  Don't  5:17
7.  Long Way to Heaven  4:12
8.  Can't Let the Devil Win  4:31
9.  When You're Alone  5:29
10.  Trust  3:16
Total Running Time:  46:03

Existing comments about this CD

From: James   (IP unknown) Date: June 23, 2002 at 21:46
good album. It sounds like Early Guardian but with an updated late 90's sound. Not a bad thing but still not as good as the first album. The 80's hard rock crowd will enjoy this as well as the 90's mainstreem rock people. A good transition from one style to another.
From: Tom   ( Date: July 19, 2011 at 6:07
I hated this CD when it came out because I loved their debut so much. However, after many years, and pulling this out again, I really like it now. Its solid blues-based hard rock. The Elephante influence is still all over this one, but its not quite as noticeable as it was on Battle Cries.
From: Jack   ( Date: May 2, 2013 at 16:42
In my opinion, this is the superior record. Randy's vocals are raw and intense (bluesy, ala Badlands), Wallam's drumming is fantastic, and the band sound's like a unit of groove... The record is just tough! A great album in spite of the Elefante's. My 2 cents.

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