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Rock in a Hard Place

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Category: CCM Melodic Metal
Year: 1988
Label: Frontline
Catalog Number: CD9036
Rating: 9.37 out of 10. (30 ratings)

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David Zaffiro guitars, backing vocals
Les Carlsen lead vocals
Michael Bloodgood bass, backing vocals
Mark Welling drums
1.  Shakin' It  2:57
2.  Never be the Same  4:00
3.  The Presence  3:31
4.  What Have I Done?  3:46
5.  Heaven on Earth  3:49
6.  Do or Die  2:26
7.  She's Gone  4:36
8.  The World (Keeps Movin' Around)  4:14
9.  Seven  4:56
Total Running Time:  34:15

Existing comments about this CD

From: LiveWire   (IP unknown) Date: February 8, 2002 at 9:30
This is a good album, but Detonation is better. I like all the songs on this album.
From: kevensyle   (IP unknown) Date: April 9, 2002 at 10:36
One of their more mellow albums. It's good and it's also one of the very first Christian metal albums I ever bought back in 1988.
From: Ty   (IP unknown) Date: August 3, 2002 at 14:09
I know I am, most likely, in the minority on this, but "Rock In A Hard Place" is my most favorite Bloodgood album. The band seems to have taken a decided turn to more melodic hard rock, and I think they pulled it off very well! A fine effort. 9/10
From:   (IP unknown) Date: April 16, 2004 at 21:14
An excellent album, very melodic. Shakin' It and Seven my favorites.
From: Salomonkey   (IP unknown) Date: April 18, 2004 at 15:55
A very melodic album, a little bit different than their two first albums. This is an excellent album, all the songs are great.
From: Cephas   (IP unknown) Date: April 23, 2004 at 4:36
Hmm, Bloodgood starts mellowing out and playing more Hard Rock. Still, good music, like "She's Gone," "What Have I Done?," and "Seven." This is more commercial and AOR than previous work and, hence, troubling: Is Bloodgood on the verge of selling out their metal roots? I like this--but, not as much as S/T or Detonation. The lyrics are intelligent and the singing's capable. They still retain a unique sound that I haven't heard from Christian or secular bands.
From: blacklabel   ( Date: July 16, 2009 at 20:50
This is one of my least favorites. This is Bloodgood going glam sounding. Very,Very Commercial. But there were still a couple of good songs.

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