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Category: CCM Melodic Metal
Year: 1987
Label: Frontline
Catalog Number: CD9019
Rating: 8.78 out of 10. (37 ratings)

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Michael Bloodgood bass, backing vocals
Les Carlsen vocals
David Zaffiro guitars, backing vocals
Mark Welling drums
1.  Battle of the Flesh  2:45
2.  Vagrant People  3:26
3.  Self-Destruction  3:29
4.  Alone In Suicide  4:04
5.  Heartbeat (of the City)  3:25
6.  Eat the Flesh  4:25
7.  Holy Fire  3:10
8.  Crucify  3:05
9.  The Messiah  4:25
10.  Live Wire  2:36
Total Running Time:  34:50

Existing comments about this CD

From: Darren   (IP unknown) Date: April 23, 2001 at 11:52
This was the album that got me into them...Eat the Flesh smokes....
From: Pastor Larry   (IP unknown) Date: November 9, 2001 at 22:39
One of the hardest and crunchiest Bloodgood projects. Personal Favorites are 'Live Wire' and 'Holy Fire'
From: LiveWire   (IP unknown) Date: February 8, 2002 at 9:25
This is their best album ever. I really like every song on this album. Every song on this album rocks!
From:   (---.) Date: April 9, 2002 at 10:32
This album is good, but one of my least favorites from the band...yet has one of thier coolest album covers.
From: drewman202   (IP unknown) Date: March 10, 2003 at 6:33
Great album! Les Carlson has a great, distinctive voice and David Zaffiro shreds! Production could've been better but over great album!
From: Cristella Rios   (IP unknown) Date: April 27, 2004 at 16:11
The song 'The Messiah' is the reason why i got into Christian metal in the first place. A very special song and album for me.
From: jay   (IP unknown) Date: July 29, 2004 at 10:57
A hard rockin, driving metal album, and...let's face of the coolest album covers of ALL TIME!!
From: GroovyLime   (IP unknown) Date: September 3, 2004 at 18:15
Simply awesome! Everything by Bloodgood after 'Detonation' just doesn't compare.
From: mark   ( Date: August 16, 2006 at 2:00
From: blacklabel   ( Date: July 16, 2009 at 20:49
This is my favorite record from them. Flawless! I wanna go home and listen to it now!
From:   ( Date: May 14, 2010 at 16:53
The Messiah can bring me to tears... need I say more?
From: ROB GARCIA   ( Date: February 5, 2018 at 14:21
Great christian metal!. I really enjoy Bloodgood a lot.Les carlsen's voice remind me of all those great NWOBHM bands from the begining of the 80's.They deserved more recognition.

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