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Man With a Mission

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Category: CCM AOR
Year: 1992
Label: Word/Dayspring
Catalog Number: 7014226622
Rating: 8.67 out of 10. (18 ratings)

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Bob Carlisle lead vocals, backing vocals, guitars
Randy Thomas guitars, solo guitars, vocals
Scott Sheriff keyboards, vocals
Mark Hill bass, vocals
Brian Fullen drums, percussion
1.  In My Life  3:28
2.  Man With a Mission  3:56
3.  Feather in Your Cap  4:57
4.  Grand Facade  4:19
5.  Devoted to You  5:23
6.  The Deepest Part of Me  3:23
7.  Heaven  6:31
8.  Just Like a Father to Me  3:31
9.  I'm Crying  4:40
10.  Last Chance Cafe  6:05
Total Running Time:  46:13

Existing comments about this CD

From: DANIEL   (IP unknown) Date: May 8, 2004 at 13:57
From: illimey   ( Date: April 4, 2005 at 10:13
This is the only Allies album I have so I can't say where it fits into the overall scheme of their sound, however I can say that it's worth having. The majority of the songs on offer are definitely memorable - it's been YEARS since I've listened to them, however the only one I can't recall at least a snippet of is the first track! The slower songs are beautiful, emotional and REAL - and the faster ones are FUN! My favourites are perhaps Grand Facade and Heaven - although I should listen again...
From: ROBERT   (---.) Date: April 4, 2005 at 10:17
Buenas, soy Robert d Barcelona. Me encanta Bob Carlisle!! Buen disco!
From: robert   (---.) Date: April 4, 2005 at 10:18
La ostia!! Pensaba q no me dejaria poner el msj. Desde mi pc!! en la pag. d heavy harmonies nome deja hace un año, Parece q estoy Baneaso!! ¿Alguien me puede decir porq puedo escribir aki, y en la otra pagina no? Gracias!!
From: rexreed   ( Date: September 25, 2009 at 3:32
Not quite as good as the previous two entries-perhaps the group was losing a little creative harmony. Still, a good album with highlights being I'm Crying, in which Bob sang his heart out. It's a song written about the loss of his father. Heaven has a strong gospel feel to it. As for rockers the heaviest is Feather, but there are some pop gems here like In my Life and Deepest. Carried Away is a 50's rocker about Christian scandals of the day. A couple ballads included could easily be Chicago!
From: Madeira   ( Date: November 13, 2009 at 6:32
Man with a mission is a great song and great album. Just a pity I can´t get my hands on a cd, my tape is worn out from listening to it for 18 years. Great job, great music!
From: Paul Harrison   ( Date: October 20, 2015 at 10:45
While a deep departure from previous recordings likely due to the maturity of Carlisle/Thomas and a whole new rhythm section, Man With A Mission is a solid recording. But it isn't representative Allies material. There are some good songs on here, like the haunting I'm Crying and the rocking Feather In Your Cap. The rest of the album is good to alright, but it won't go down in history as one of their best.

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